Saturday, 27 Jul, 2024
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Hungarian Cuisine

Maybe you have already heard of delights of Hungarian cuisine. The traditional Hungarian dishes abound in piquant flavors and aromas. Dishes are flavourful, spicy and often rather heavy. People with a sensitive stomach, should be careful. Flavours of Hungarian dishes are based on centuries old traditions in spicing and preparation methods.

The best-known ingredient in Hungarian food is the red-powdered spice called paprika. It is used to flavor many dishes. Other staples of Hungarian cooking include onions, cabbage, potatoes, noodles, and caraway seeds. Both cream and sour cream are used heavily in Hungarian food. Dumplings (dough wrapped around different kinds of fillings) are very popular as are cabbages or green peppers stuffed with meat and rice. Another favorite is the pancake called a palacsinta. It is often rolled or wrapped around different kinds of fillings.

The most famous hungarian food is a goulash soup (not stew!) is made of beef and pork, vegetables, potatoes and small home-made noodles. The name of the soup is originating from the word "gulyas" meaning "cowboy". After a long day of work, on the puszta the Hungarian cowboys made this authentic soup in a kettle over an open fire.

Csabas jazz-rock cafe
Hungarian, European, Georgian
3 Vashlovani St.

Duna bar
14 Kiacheli St.