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Tourist Routes

Route 1: Pearls of the old town
Baratashvili Street is a place from which you can begin sightseeing of the old town. It can be called "a street of contrasts" as "the past" and "the present" are here opposite each other.To the right there are modern buildings - to the left - old houses with balconies in the national style...

Route 2: Hunchbacked tbilisi
Our second tourist route begins with Abanotubani (bath quarter), where we can get from Gorgasali Square to the street of the same name and it is an area of functioning sulfur baths, from which the construction of the Georgian capital practically began. According to the legend, sulfur springs were discovered by the Georgian king Vakhtang Gorgasali during hunting...

Route 3: The shadows of old tbilisi
Our next route begins with Sololaki region. It is one of the most ecologically clean parts of the city. This district begins from Freedom square and ends at the mount Mtatsminda. According to the story the Arabs built a canal in this area to water the gardens. Canal in Arabian language is "sululakh" and since that period the place is called Sololaki...

Route 4: European city
Our Fourth tourist route begins from Freedom Square. In the 50's of the 19th century over the present Freedom square intensive building began. In the middle of the square the enormous building of Caravanserai with theatre in the Moorish style was built. The theatre was painted by Russian painter Gagarin...

Route 5: Symbols of georgian immortality
Our next tourist route begins with Me-tekhi bridge, which connects two banks of the Mtkvari river. It was the first bridge across the Mtkvari in Tbilisi. The old wooden bridge (built in 1821) was replaced by a metallic one in 1870. The present bridge was assembled in the 1950s. From one side it turns to Vakhtang Gorgasali square, from the other side - to Rike...