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Georgian Mythology

Georgians have rich mythology. Our mythology is a complex of old Georgian myths and stories regarding ancient Georgian gods, heroes and universe arranging.

The most popular hero of Georgian mythology is  named Amirani. He was the son of Dali, a Caucasian goddess of the hunt, but he was removed prematurely from her womb and raised by a peasant.

While battling evil spirits in his search for a bride, his two brothers were killed, and Amirani attempted suicide, but discovered to his dismay that he returned to life. Thereafter, Amirani abandoned his search for a bride, and empowered by the highest God, he took on another Giant and then highest god himself. In response for his insolence, God punished him in three stages: he fastened Amirani to a post driven deep in the earth, second, God, buried him in chains under a mountain pass, which formed a cave-like dome over him; and third, for one night each year, the mountain opened to reveal Amirani suspended in air where a human attempted in vain to release him, and the mountain closed again in consequence of the excessive talk of woman.

One of the best-known stories in Greek mythology concerns the hero Jason and his quest for the Golden Fleece. The fleece, which came from a magic ram, hung in a sacred grove of trees in the distant land of Colchis. In ancient geography Colchis was an ancient Georgian kingdom and region in Western Georgia.
In order to claim his birthright as king of Iolcus, Jason had to bring back the golden fleece from the city of Colchis. The fleece was owned by King Aeetes, and was guarded by a serpent that never slept. Jason gathered a group of heroes to set sail and retrieve the magical fleece. Among these heroes were Hercules, Theseus, Orpheus, Castor and Pollux. They set sail on the ship Argo, and thus called themselves the Argonauts.
After many adventures, Jason and the Argonauts finally reached Colchis. However, King Aeetes refused to give up the Golden Fleece unless Jason could harness two fire-breathing bulls to a plow, plant dragons' teeth in the ground, and defeat the warriors that sprang up from the teeth. Aeetes had a daughter, Medea, who was a sorceress. She fell in love with Jason and helped him accomplish these tasks. Medea also helped Jason steal the Golden Fleece by charming the serpent that guarded it and putting the creature to sleep. Jason, Medea, and the Argonauts then set sail for Iolcus with the fleece.
Jason delivered the fleece to Pelias, and dedicated the Argo to Neptune (Poseidon).
What became of the fleece afterwards we do not know, but perhaps it was found after all, like many other golden prizes, not worth the trouble it had cost to procure it.